
Software tools

The software tools employed in this thesis are the following:

alive_progress==3.0.1       # Animated progress bar employed for long-lasting processes
h5py==3.6.0                 # Numpy dependency
hampel==1.0.2               # Implementation of Hampel filter
itables==2.0.0              # Interactive displaying of DataFrames
keras==2.10.0               # API for building ML and DL models
keras-tuner==1.4.6          # API for tuning (e.g., Grid Search) ML and DL models
numpy==1.23.2               # Manipulation of multidimensional arrays 
pandas==1.5.2               # Manipulation of tabular data (i.e. DataFrames)
pingouin==0.5.3             # Statistical tests
plotly==5.14.0              # Interactive plotting library
python-dateutil==2.8.2      # Utils for manipulation of dates
PyWavelets==1.4.1           # Implementation of Wavelet transforms
scikit-learn==1.2.0         # ML and DL tools
scipy==1.10.0               # Algorithms for scienific computing (e.g., statistics, signal filters, etc.)
tensorflow==2.10.0          # Backend for running ML and DL models

Hardware tools

Following, the harware devices used during the development of this thesis are listed.