Smartphone and smartwatch HAR dataset

Research on HAR requires high-quality labelled datasets to train ML and DL systems. While a large variety of datasets containing smartphone or smartwatch data exist, only five of them contain data from both kinds of devices: HHAR (Stisen et al. 2015), RealWorld (Sztyler and Stuckenschmidt 2016), ExtraSensory (Vaizman, Ellis, and Lanckriet 2017), WISDM (Weiss, Yoneda, and Hayajneh 2019) and DOMINO (Arrotta et al. 2023).

In addition, for the sake of generalizability, datasets must be collected from heterogeneous subjects to include different ways of performing the same activity, which are mostly determined by age, gender or other physiological features.

Therefore, we collected a dataset addressing the aforementioned problem by selecting diverse and heterogeneous participants for data collection, bearing in mind age diversity and gender balance, thus tackling research objective RO2.


The collected dataset is available in Zenodo (Matey-Sanz, Casteleyn, and Granell 2023b) and published in the Data in Brief journal (Matey-Sanz, Casteleyn, and Granell 2023a).

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from libs.chapter2.data_loading import load_data, load_executions_info, load_subjects_info
from libs.chapter2.exploration import count_samples, executions_by_gender, subjects_age_range, subjects_age_range_by_gender
from libs.chapter2.visualization import plot_execution, plot_orientation_stats, plot_turn_direction_stats, plot_turn_direction_combined_stats

Description of the data collection process


Table 4.1 shows the details of the subjects and the number of activity sequences executed. Twenty-three physically healthy, white caucasian subjects (thirteen male, ten female) voluntarily participated in the data collection procedure. The age of the participants ranged from \(23\) to \(66\) years old (\(\mu = 44.3 \pm 14.3\)), where the ratio of male/female participants was \(56\%/44\%\) (Table 4.2 and Table 4.3). Informed written consent was obtained from all participants, and the data collection was approved by the ethics committee of the Universitat Jaume I (reference No. CD/88/2022) and carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.

subjects_info = load_subjects_info()
Table 4.1: Subject’s information
subject_id age gender height weight dominant_hand executions
0 s01 54 M 190 83 R 6
1 s02 31 M 171 71 R 9
2 s03 24 F 161 62 R 10
3 s04 51 M 174 60 R 10
4 s05 54 M 172 85 R 10
5 s06 53 M 179 110 R 10
6 s07 49 M 176 88 R 11
7 s08 63 M 165 89 R 9
8 s09 28 F 164 49 R 10
9 s10 66 F 165 72 R 10
10 s11 50 M 181 70 R 10
11 s12 46 M 181 90 R 10
12 s13 26 M 170 65 R 10
13 s14 34 M 170 65 R 10
14 s15 23 F 166 60 R 10
15 s16 25 M 173 64 L 10
16 s17 58 F 156 53 R 10
17 s18 61 M 172 97 R 10
18 s19 30 F 160 58 R 10
19 s20 58 F 160 60 R 10
20 s21 56 F 160 55 R 10
21 s22 31 F 162 70 R 9
22 s23 48 F 174 78 R 9
Table 4.2: Subject’s statistics
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
age 23.0 44.304348 14.293784 23.0 30.5 49.0 55.0 66.0
Table 4.3: Subject’s statistics by gender
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
F 10.0 42.200000 16.551603 23.0 28.5 39.5 57.5 66.0
M 13.0 45.923077 12.750566 25.0 34.0 50.0 54.0 63.0


A Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro smartphone (M2102J20SG) and a TicWatch Pro 3 GPS smartwatch (WH12018), both equipped with an STMicroelectronics LSM6DSO IMU sensor 1, were used to collect accelerometer and gyroscope data. The devices had a custom application installed —smartphone app (Matey-Sanz and González-Pérez 2022a), smartwatch app (Matey-Sanz and González-Pérez 2022b)— to collect sensor samples at \(100\)Hz. These apps were developed using the libraries described in Data collection libraries on top of the AwarNS Framework. The smartwatch was worn on the left wrist; the smartphone was carried in the front left trousers pocket, letting the participants choose the device orientation in their pockets (see Figure 4.1).

1 IMU Specification

  • Smartphone specs:
    • Accelerometer: range (\(\pm8g\)), accuracy (\(\pm0.02g\))
    • Gyroscope: range (\(\pm1000dpi\)), accuracy (\(\pm1dpi\))
  • Smartwatch specs:
    • Accelerometer: range (\(\pm8g\)), accuracy (\(\pm0.02g\))
    • Gyroscope: range (\(\pm2000dpi\)), accuracy (\(\pm1dpi\))

Another device, a Xiaomi Poco F2 Pro smartphone (M2004J11G), was used to video-record the subjects while performing the data collection procedure at \(60\) frames per second for data labelling (i.e. ground truth) purposes.

Collection environment

The data collection was executed in a research laboratory at Universitat Jaume I. An obstacle-free, three-meter-long and two-meter-wide area with a flat ceramic floor and a combination of natural and artificial light was prepared to carry out the collection.

An armless chair was placed in one longitudinal extreme of the area and a visible floor mark was put in the opposite extreme. Thus, the chair and the floor mark were separated by three meters.

The environment was only occupied by a participant and a researcher to avoid any distraction or interference during the data collection. In addition to the smartphone used to video-record the collection and the personal devices of the participant, no other devices were enabled in the environment that could interfere with the data collection process.

Experimental procedure

Each participant was asked to perform a specific sequence of activities that corresponds with the TUG test – a well-known mobility test typically used for fall risk assessment (Podsiadlo and Richardson 1991). The test starts from a seated position on a chair and each subject was then instructed to perform the following sequence of activities: standing up from the chair, walking three meters (indicated with a mark on the ground), turning around (\(180º\)), walking back to the chair, turning around (\(180º\)), and sitting down on the chair. The participants were free to choose the direction of their turns (i.e., left or right). In summary, five unique activities were performed: SEATED, STANDING_UP, WALKING, TURNING and SITTING_DOWN.

Each subject was instructed to perform the sequence of activities ten times, although some sequence executions were discarded due to non-compliance with the procedure (e.g., incorrect start of data collection, poor sequence execution, etc.). A total amount of \(223\) executions (Table 4.4) compose the dataset.

Each activity sequence was video-recorded by a researcher. Then, each video was manually analyzed at frame level to determine the transitions between the executed activities and label the collected samples with the corresponding activity to establish the groundtruth.

Table 4.4: Total amount of executions
gender F M Total
executions 98 125 223

Collected dataset

Data description

data = load_data()

The collected dataset contains raw (i.e., no preprocessing steps applied) accelerometer and gyroscope samples from a smartphone and a smartwatch labelled with a certain human activity. Even though the devices’ clocks are synchronised, the samples of each device are not synchronized with each other since the data collection on both devices are independent processes. In other words, a data sample at timestamp \(X\) in the smartphone data might not have an equivalent sample exactly at the same timestamp \(X\) in the smartwatch data.

The dataset is organized in CSV files named using the XX_YY_DEV.csv pattern, where XX is the id of the subject, YY is the execution number and DEV is the device used to collect the data contained in the file (i.e., sp or sw). Then, each row of the CSV file contains an accelerometer and gyroscope sample labelled with an activity and annotated with a timestamp.

Table 4.5 contains the number of collected samples for each activity. Even though the sampling rate used in the data collection applications was set to \(100\)Hz, Android applications are not always able to apply the requested sampling rate, resulting in an average sampling rate of \(102\)Hz for the smartphone and \(104\)Hz for the smartwatch.

Table 4.5: Number of collected samples
sp 32764 27303 115069 52209 31868 259213
sw 32025 27765 117126 53180 32457 262553

As an example of the type of data captured for one subject, Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 show a plot of the accelerometer and gyroscope samples collected respectively from the smartphone and the smartwatch by the subject s16 on his first execution (i.e., files s16_01_sp.csv and s16_01_sw.csv).

s16_01_sp = plot_execution(data, 's16_01_sp')
Figure 4.2: Sample of smartphone collected accelerometer (top) and gyroscope (bottom) data.
s16_01_sw = plot_execution(data, 's16_01_sw')
Figure 4.3: Sample of smartwatch collected accelerometer (top) and gyroscope (bottom) data.

Finally, Table 4.6 contains information about each execution. In particular, it contains the phone orientation (see Figure 4.1) and the turning direction (left or right) for each execution.

from itables import show

executions_info = load_executions_info()
Table 4.6: Metadata of each execution.
execution_id orientation first_turn second_turn
Loading... (need help?)
def verbatim(x):
    return f'Verb|{x}|'

with open('executions_info_latex', 'w') as f:
    executions_info.to_latex(f, formatters={'execution_id': verbatim, 'orientation': verbatim, 'first_turn': verbatim, 'second_turn': verbatim})

From the above table, some statistics can be extracted, such as the amount of times each orientation has been employed (Figure 4.4), the number of right and left turns in first_turn and second_turn (Figure 4.5), or the direction of the first_turn and second_turn as a sequence (Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.4: Phone orientation in the pocket.
Figure 4.5: Direction of turns in the first_turn and second_turn activities.
Figure 4.6: Combined direction of turns in each sequence.


The main technical limitation of the data described in this section resides in the data labelling procedure. Data labelling was performed by visual inspection of videos recorded at \(60\) frames per second, which implies that the time resolution of the video was \(16.6\)ms. However, due to hardware limitations, sometimes two adjacent frames were repeated, reducing the time resolution to \(33.2\)ms in specific time frames. On the other hand, the resolution of the sensors used for data collection was about \(10\)ms. Due to this resolution mismatch, there is a possible drift of up to three sensor samples, compared to the video recording. Therefore, some samples collected during the transition between activities might be mislabeled (e.g., a WALKING sample might be mislabelled as a TURNING sample).

In addition, unintentional errors could have been introduced during the manual video-recording inspection and corresponding labelling process. Concerning the sampling rate, we note some minor variability which is imposed by the Android operating system and thus represents a real-world data collection process.

Finally, while user heterogeneity regarding age and gender was ensured, there is an imbalance in handedness with a majority (\(22\) out of \(23\)) of participants being right-handed.

Comparison with other datasets

Table 4.7 compares the datasets taking into account the number of activities, the number, age and gender distribution of subjects, and the number of different devices employed in the data collection, and the device position in subjects’ body. In terms of the number of activities, the collected dataset is limited compared to ExtraSensory, WISDM and DOMINO, being its weakest point of comparison. ExtraSensory contains up to \(10\) times more activities since the authors performed a data collection process in an uncontrolled manner because data labelling was delegated to participating users.

Regarding the subjects, the collected dataset presents the most variate sample in terms of age, and similar gender balance as ExtraSensory and RealWorld, while having a decent amount of participants, but still far from ExtraSensory and WISDM numbers. Finally, the collected dataset is also limited in terms of devices since we only used a smartphone and a smartwatch for collecting data, while several device models were used in HHAR (four smartphones and two smartwatch models), ExtraSensory (fifteen smartphone models, since each participant used its own smartphone) and WISDM (two smartphone models).

Table 4.7: Comparison with related datasets
Dataset Activities Subjects Age range Gender Devices Position
on body
HHAR 5 9 25-30
4 smartphones
2 smartwatches
Waist belt
RealWorld 8 15
(31.9 \(\pm\) 12.4)
53% male
47% female
6 smartphones
1 smartwatch
ExtraSensory 51 60 18-42
(24.7 \(\pm\) 5.6)
44% male
56% female
15 smartphones
1 smartwatch

WISDM 18 52 18-25
2 smartphones
1 smartwatch
Domino 14 25 20-59
(26.6 \(\pm\) 9.8)
68% female
32% male
1 smartphone
1 smartwatch
5 23 23-66
(44.3 \(\pm\) 14.3)
56% male
44% female
1 smartphone
1 smartwatch

2 Head, chest, upper arm, waist, thigh and shin.

Code reference