Function reference

Chapter 2

Defines the functions employed in the Chapter 2: Materials & Methods.

chapter2.data_loading Provides functions to load the collected data and associated metadata files.
chapter2.exploration Provides functions to compute statistics regarding subjects and collected data.
chapter2.visualization Provides a function to plot the collected data.

Chapter 3

Defines the functions employed in the Chapter 3: Multidimensional analysis of ML and DL on HAR.


Functions employed to carry out the experiments.

chapter3.pipeline.01_data-processing Data preprocessing script.
chapter3.pipeline.02_hyperparameter-optimization Hyperparameters Grid Search script.
chapter3.pipeline.03_incremental-loso Incremental Leaving-One-Subject-Out script.


Functions employed to analyse the results of the experiment.

chapter3.analysis.data_loading Provides functions to load the obtained results.
chapter3.analysis.model Defines a model to manage the reports generated by the machine and deep learning models.
chapter3.analysis.statistical_tests Provides functions to compute statistical tests to determine the significance of the obtained results.
chapter3.analysis.visualization Provides functions to visualize the obtained results.

Chapter 4

Defines the functions employed in the Chapter 4 - HAR in mHealth: TUG test using smartphones and smartwatches.


Functions employed to carry out the experiments.

chapter4.pipeline.01_relabel Data relabelling script.
chapter4.pipeline.02_splitting-evaluation Splitting approach evaluation script


Functions employed to analyse the results of the experiments.

chapter4.analysis.data_loading Provides functions to load the obtained results.
chapter4.analysis.statistical_tests Provides functions to compute statistical tests to determine the significance of the obtained results.
chapter4.analysis.tug_results_processing Provides functions to process the raw results of the TUG test obtained by the developed system and the reference method.
chapter4.analysis.visualization Provides functions to visualize the obtained results.
chapter4.analysis.battery Provides functions to process the battery consumption results

Chapter 5

Defines the functions employed in the Chapter 5 - Looking into the future: Wi-Fi CSI based HAR.


Functions employed to carry out the experiments.

chapter5.pipeline.01_1_preliminar-dataset-processing Data preprocessing script for preliminar dataset.
chapter5.pipeline.01_2_stanwifi-processing Data preprocessing script for StanWiFi dataset.
chapter5.pipeline.01_3_multienvironment-processing Data preprocessing script for Multi-environment dataset.
chapter5.pipeline.01_4_lodo-dataset-processing Data preprocessing script for LODO dataset.
chapter5.pipeline.02_hyperparameter-optimization Hyperparameters Grid Search script.
chapter5.pipeline.03_1_multiple-evaluations Multiple evaluation script
chapter5.pipeline.03_2_cross-validation Cross-validation script
chapter5.pipeline.03_3_lodo Leaving-One-Day-Out validation script


Functions employed to analyse the results of the experiments.

chapter5.analysis.reports Provides functions to process the reports generated in the evaluation of classification models.
chapter5.analysis.visualization Provides functions to visualize the obtained results.